Pisici și artă la un loc
Pisici și artă la un loc

Cats and art in one place

Co-Arting Room is a creative space for adults and teens. With cats!

  • Cats

    Spend time with our fuzzy mascots Ori and Cassi.

  • Art

    With us, you can draw, paint, and try new art supplies. We offer weekly themes to give you the starting point you might need.

  • Relaxation

    Bring your friends to play board games! Our library of games and books is ever-expanding.

An atelier with cats

We think presentations are in order: Ori is the silly, lazier one. He is very majestic and he knows it. Cassi, on the other hand, is tinier, full of energy, and always in need of attention.

Atelier cu pisici

Art, creativity and weekly themes

We are proud of our art supplies selection! We have professional watercolors, jelly gouache, soft colored pencils, alcohol markers, acrylic markers, and more. We plan to bring here many more trendy supplies but already the combinations are endless.

Artă, creativitate, tematici săptămânale

Board Games

Our place is already relaxing and fun because we have cats and art, but we also have board games! Some of the games you and your friends cand play are: Calico, Meadow, Everdell, Kites, Hidden Leaders, Muza, Saboteur, Cobble & Fog.

Jocuri de societate

Coming soon: Workshops

We plan to host recurring workshops with the help of local artists. Some of our ideas are: mixed media sketching, illustration, creative writing workshops, and even a book club. If any of these sound interesting to you, please let us know!

În curând: Ateliere
O intrare costă 50 de lei și include până la 3 ore în spațiul creativ, cu materialele noastre și acces la jocuri.

The entry fee is 50 RON and you get up to 3 hours of creativity, and access to our art supplies and games.

If your intention is to just play board games and not draw, or you bring your own art supplies, then the entry fee will be 25 RON.

Open Tuesday-Saturday between 14:00-20:00.

Our atelier is dedicated to adults and teens ( 12+ years old).


If you need more information, or you wish to purchase a voucher for a friend, please contact us and we will help you!

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